Config = {}
Config.Framework = 'esx'
Config.Mysql = "oxmysql"
Config.GithubVersionCheck = true
Config.GithubName = 'ataShop' -----!!!! DONT CHANGE PLEASEEE !!!!
Config.Blip = {
Enable = true,
blipLabel = "24/7 Shop",
blipSprite = 52,
blipColor = 2,
Config.TargetType = "default" -- "ox_target" or "qb-target" or 'okokTextUI', 'default' is natives GTA V for open shop
Config.InventorySystem = 'esx_inventory' -- what is your inventory ? 'esx_inventory' , 'qb_inventory', 'ox_inventory' , 'qs_inventory'
Config.npcEnable = true ---- if false npc dont spawn
Config.npcModel = "mp_m_shopkeep_01" -- you can change model NPC in shop
Config.ShopLocations ={
vector4(24.47708, -1347.334, 29.49702, 275.1495),
vector4(-1186.56, -458.9171, 87.39479, 38.15356),
Config.ShopItems = { --- Shop Item (Player Can Be Buy It)
-- {
-- name = 'water', ---- item name in inventory
-- label = 'Apple', ---- item label in shop
-- price = 10, --- item price
-- category = 'drinks', --- categories : 'drinks' , 'foods', 'snacks', 'fruits', 'hots' you can edit index.html:69 - index.html:79
-- image = 'img/milk.png' --- item image (you can use Locally) or (use inventory item image) exp : 'nui://ox_inventory/client/html/assets/icons/blalalalaala.png'
-- },
{name = 'nugget', label = 'nugget', category = 'foods', price = 64, image = 'img/items/burger-shotnuggets.png'},
{name = 'borger', label = 'borger', category = 'foods', price = 24, image = 'img/items/burger-moneyshot.png'},
{name = 'shotburger', label = 'shotburger', category = 'foods', price = 34, image = 'img/items/burger-shotrings.png'},
{name = 'bread', label = 'bread', category = 'foods', price = 61, image = 'img/items/bread.png'},
{name = 'egg', label = 'egg', category = 'foods', price = 109, image = 'img/items/farming_egg.png'},
{name = 'colaa', label = 'softcola', category = 'drinks', price = 100, image = 'img/items/ecolalight.png'},
{name = 'farming_applejuice', label = 'apple jiuce', category = 'drinks', price = 79, image = 'img/items/farming_applejuice.png'},
{name = 'burger-softdrink', label = 'Cola', category = 'drinks', price = 67, image = 'img/items/burger-softdrink.png'},
Config.SellItems = { --Sell Item (Player Can Be Sell It)
-- {
-- name = 'water', ---- item name in inventory
-- label = 'Apple', ---- item label in shop
-- price = 10, --- item price
-- image = 'img/milk.png' --- item image (you can use Locally) or (use inventory item image) exp : 'nui://ox_inventory/client/html/assets/icons/blalalalaala.png'
-- },
{name = 'diamond_necklace_silver', label = 'diamond', price = 9000, image = 'img/items/diamond_necklace_silver.png'},
{name = 'xboxx', label = 'xBoxx', price = 11000, image = 'img/items/xboxx.png'},
{name = 'dirtyneedle', label = 'needle', price = 360, image = 'img/items/dirtyneedle.png'},
Config.UI = {
shopname = "24/7 SHOP",
shoplocation = "LOS SANTOS",
playername = "Loading",
imprtant = "IMPORTANT:",
descimportant =
"Lorem ipsasdasd asd asd um, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisiasdasdcing elit.Sapiente repellat architecto exercitationem inventore eos odio! Provident, deleniti accusantium vel quasi harum nisi! Asperiores repellendus vel voluptatum corporis, quisquam sed nam.",
function openHelpKeyboard()
ShowHelpNotification("Press ~INPUT_TALK~ to open the shop")
function ShowHelpNotification(msg)
EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(0, false, true, -1)
function invalidItem(src,itemName)
TriggerClientEvent('ataShop:showNotification', src, 'Invalid item: ' .. itemName)
function Purchasesuccessful(src,totalCost)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', src, 'Purchase successful: $' .. totalCost)
function enoughmoney(src)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', src, 'Not enough money')
function enoughitem(src,itemName)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', src, 'You do not have enough ' .. itemName)
function solditem(src,totalEarnings)
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', src, 'You sold items for $' .. totalEarnings)
Last updated